Wednesday, April 27, 2011

just flipping through

I was flipping through the Bible the other day, not really looking to find anything in particular, but what I came across was certainly meant to be.

Matthew 6: 31 reads: " So do not worry, saying 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Some of you are wondering why this one spoke to you, others may know I tend to worry about everything: current worry, grad school. This will be an issue until I get into grad school and finish grad school.

I mostly wanted to share this verse with people, because I think a lot of people worry about so many different things each day, and I don't want to preach but I truly do believe God does have magical plans in store for us. Enjoy the journey God has us on, and simply live life to the fullest.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's been a while....

When I think of my life I often think of what it would be if it were a movie or TV show.... let me tell you, It would be pretty boring actually..... However I often think of mine having opening lines like the ones Meredith Grey gives in the first 10 minutes of Grey's Anatomy...

"We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything. Sometimes the answers we were looking for were hiding just below the surface. Other times, we find answers when we didn't realize we were asking a question. Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we've been looking for, we're still left with a whole helluva lot of questions."

That is where I'm at, searching, questioning, looking....for answers. Its funny how life seems to throw you crazy different pitches, my life right now is currently throwing me pitches Joe Mauer couldn't even seem to read. Being a superstar catcher that he is and all, that must be pretty crazy, right?

Right! Life is scary to be quite honest, I find myself jealous of high schooler's, and young college kids right is SO easy....granted homework and tests isn't always easy, but it is MUCH MUCH MUCH easier than trying to figure your life out now that you're done with college and have a degree.... I suppose being a college grad means you start to live an "adult" life.

What is an "adult" life to be exact though? I'm not sure. I find myself questioning what I am suppose to do with my life now that I am done with school. I do know my next step is Grad School, however as simple as that hardly is simple. I'm now left with....

a) what grad schools have the program I want?
b) what grad school is not ooober expensive?
c) will I get into that program at that school?
d) where will this bring me when I'm done?
e) what the heck am I going to do when I have completed grad school?

SCARY I tell ya!

Life is more stressful than that right now for me though, Mark is off to Montana after school to work.... so that leaves me with my next question...follow or not. Last time I followed Mark somewhere I ended up on crazy pills...literally. So do I take that risk again? I suppose some would say yes, some would say no.

My obvious decision would to be to follow Mark, I mean I have been with him for over 3 years, talk about marrying the guy, and don't feel like finding a new man for my life...sounds like a waste of time when I've got something great. And to be quite honest, I don't want to lose him!

Then there is my little monkey on my shoulder saying: "You HATED Fargo, You call your mom and dad 2569369873768 times a day when you're gone from them anyways. You always need to know where Alex is and what is going can you survive Montana?" Well let me tell you MONKEY you're not helping me! Also, I don't think my mom and dad want me to leave either.... by no means do I want to leave Minnesota either, but I don't know maybe it would be a great change. Like Meredith Grey said in Grey's:

"People are really romantic about the beginnings of things. Fresh start. Clean slate. A world of possibility. But no matter what adventure you're embarking on, you're still you. You bring you into every new beginning in your life, so how different can it possibly be."

So maybe taking another risk to follow Mark could be great new beginning....after all, no matter what I will always have my family, I will always be close with them. With that being said decisions need to be made, when I figure it out... I'm going to go into it with positive attitude and know it was for what was best for me.