Monday, October 24, 2011

Pain is Only Temporary

Hi Everyone!

I haven't blogged in awhile, I mean to. However, every time I try to type something it isn't something that should be read by everyone. I have SO much built up, yet not all is appropriate to share, even though writing seems to be my perfect source of self-help therapy. So now I am finding new ways to regulate myself. For instance, Mark bought me oil paints and the 'special' paper to go with it. When I saw this I was so excited! I thought of all of the things I could draw and paint... funny thing is, that was three weeks ago...haven't touched it yet. I also said I'd start playing the piano again....haven't touched that yet either...unless you count dusting it! ;)

Life has been crazy, I definitely have been placed in situations where I have questioned the people that are in my life, how my life is so different than others, and how good I truly do have it. I truly am blessed to have my loving family and amazing friends.

As I sit in my classes I often get tangled in thoughts that go through my head. I am learning so much, learning so much to the point my head could honestly explode. I have always enjoyed school, I have always loved learning so I'm glad I'm enjoying this journey of my life. I find myself laying in bed late into the night thinking about what I learned in class and how it relates to situations going on in my life, this process isn't good for someone who doesn't have time for insomnia!

A couple weeks ago Mark and I got the opportunity to go back down to Boone, Iowa for the DMACC alumni game. It was honestly the greatest feeling in the world to be back down there to see all of the guy's as well as some of the parents whom I spent much of my first 2 years of dating Mark with. It was such a bittersweet feeling to see them all out on the field playing with each other again, smiles lit up that town of Boone that weekend! It felt like home again to all of those boys and I cherish the memories of those 2 years, as well as the memories created that weekend. It is neat to see how far those guys have came and how their lives are changing into the process we now call "adulthood" !!

This past Saturday my best friend Ali and I ran the Mankato Marathon, I tell ya what an experience that was! As I added another 1/2 marathon for the books, Ali created her first one for the books. I can honestly say I have never had such a bonding experience like I did with her while we trained for the Marathon. I have always considered her to be one of my best friends, however this process brought us even closer. I remember as the weeks narrowed down for this some of our friends bet me that she would bail. To be completely honest, I had my doubts. As it came down to the final days before the Marathon she was getting cold feet, any excuse you could think of I think I probably heard! haha! my favorite was on the way down to Mankato and she goes "I have to call my dad" so she calls her dad and has a conversation with him but all I remember was "Hi dad, so I'm on my way down for the marathon with Kayla, and I'm calling you because my heart hurts, is that bad?" Her dad then asks her medical questions (after all he is a doctor) my favorite line was "Ali, you're fine, what is your resting heart rate?" we died laughing, Ali then goes on "well I don't know, what's the average? because I'm sure its higher than that" as they continued to talk he wished her luck and told her he loved her. After she got off the phone she told me "I really can't do this!!"

NO ALI! You're not backing out on me now. Our car ride there was so much fun, reminiscing about my memories of Mankato, and all of the crazy things I did with my friends. When it was time to fall asleep we were dead set on going to bed early, as we climbed into bed at 10:30pm we stayed up till about 1- 1:30 am dying laughing. I'm pretty sure all Mankato could hear our laughter. I honestly doubt I will ever laugh that hard again. Wait, scratch that...we laughed on our way home too!!

The morning of the Marathon was beautiful, we couldn't have asked for a better day! My parents came down to cheer us on, however if you know my parents, they don't really "CHEER" like some other people's parents do. My parents cheers consist of "GOOD JOB" other than that, I'm not really sure what they cheered...haha! Ali insisted they bring a wagon to stroll her through the finish line. While they didn't bring one, she never needed it! When we started the run she was good, she seemed super nervous but once we got going she was fine. We even got passed by a 80+ year old man at mile 4 we laughed so hard! We both pulled out our iPhones to snap a picture of him too!
There's our guy! hehe he's so cute!

At mile 7 we saw a sign that made us laugh it said "trust your training" (lone behold I found out that she NEVER ran when I couldn't run, so basically she ran Wednesday's and Sunday's) at mile 11 we got pushed by a grandma running which made us laugh again. The best laugh was going up this stupid hill at the final mile, it wasn't a steep hill but a steady hill. All I remember was Ali looking over and just busting out laughing. She goes "we look like 90 year old grandma's trying to get up this hill" literally we did! Our form was terrible, we were crippled over as if our bodies couldn't take it. Once we hit the finish line Ali had the biggest smile on her face, she then asked "so are we doing this next year?" Mission accomplished I have a marathon buddy for life now!! YES!!!I have never been so proud of someone in my life, well minus my brother. But I felt like a proud mom. I was so proud of Ali for how much she doubted herself, and told herself she couldn't do this....she did it. She did it without WALKING! We NEVER walked once. We finished 2:21:13 to be exact! I truly am proud of her and couldn't have asked for better memories than the ones I've had with her through this whole process!! However, she sure was feeling it the next day, which I knew she would! She still claims it was the "greatest experience of her life"

"Racing teaches us to challenge ourselves. It teaches us to push beyond where we thought we could go. It helps us to find out what we are made of. This is what we do. This is what it's all about."
-PattiSue Plumer, U.S. Olympian

That is all for tonight, I hope this finds you all well!


Thursday, October 6, 2011

How Time Flies When You're......

I haven't blogged in a couple weeks so I figured hey! Why not!

The title of my blog comes from the saying "how time flies when you're having fun" however, am I really having fun?! I'm not sure! I would say time flies when you're busy! ha

School is taking up most of my life in terms of free time, but I guess that is what is expected when you're in grad school. I feel as if I don't really have a life. My only free night of the week is Wednesdays and that day sure seems to fly by fast. I can't really say I've been swamped with homework, because some days I seem to have a LOT of reading, yet other days I feel as if I don't have anything (which is nice)!!

It is already mid-term this week for two of my classes, one finished up which I got 100% in, so I'm starting out good! WOOP WOOP!! ;) Now if only I can keep that route up! The next few weeks to come I will soon be swamped with papers... and by papers I don't mean a nice 3-4 page double spaced paper. I am talking 25-30 page papers....times 3. YUCK! I guess I shall enjoy this nice weather while I can!

It's hard to believe it is already October, where did the summer go?! I decided that when I am done with grad school I am going to open my own private practice or my own company and only work October- May. Summers, will be optional. No wait, scratch that. Summers will be OFF! I am going to move somewhere in the Winter that is ALWAYS sunny and 80+ degrees out, where I can be on a boat, or on the water at all times of my day. Even better, my practice will be on a boat... now we are talking. There is so much evidence that sun can boost yourself esteem and brings you out of depression so why not practice in the sun ;) Coolest idea by far! Then in the summer I will move back to Minnesota and live on the lake! My office/practice will be closed unless skyping is an option on a boat! Perfect! ha now if only it were that easy!

The Mankato Marathon is coming up in 3 weeks...umm we shall see how well this goes for Ali, ha I haven't told her yet how hilly this course is...oops! She will love the experience so I'm not going to tell her! She is sort of dreading this run now because it is becoming more real to her now!

On the 15th there is the DMACC alumni game, so Mark and I are going down there for it! I honestly can say I have never been so excited to go somewhere which is weird because it is Iowa...Boone Iowa to be exact. I'm pretty sure it is the smallest town I have ever been in, with absolutely NOTHING to do there but I have such fond memories there that I am SUPER excited! :)

That is all for today, just a little update! Ps. Happy Grey's Anatomy day! hehe!!! My favorite SHOW ever that I obsess over!
