Happy New Year to all of you!
First off I hope you all had a great Christmas and were blessed with family, laughter and joy. I know I sure was! :)
Secondly, Happy New Year! How many of you made the famous "New Year's RESOLUTION" for the year 2012?! I did! While mine were simple, I look forward to making my resolutions happen! For those of you who made the most common one of all- "to lose ___ pounds" (you fill in the blank) I have words of encouragement for you. I found a quote that says as follows:
"It takes FOUR weeks for you to notice your body changing. EIGHT weeks for your friends to notice, and TWELVE weeks for for the rest of the world to notice. Give it TWELVE weeks (hopefully a new lifestyle change) but.... Don't quit!" A goal without a plan is just a wish! Best of luck to all you dieters out there.
My own piece of advice is this- a diet is not a diet, rather a change of healthy eating and active lifestyle. A diet isn't a change for the world to see, but for you to feel/see for yourself- be comfortable in your own skin... be confident! The world who sees a confident person wants to be that person. Working out doesn't have to be a "chore" if do activities that are FUN! Yes, FUN! If you do things that you enjoy it won't seem like a cruel and punishing task!
"We are what we BELIEVE we are!"
My New Year RESOLUTIONS are as follows:
1. Do my first TRIATHLON (May 2012)
2. Run a HALF marathon (April 2012)
3. Run a FULL Marathon (October 2012)
4. Follow my OWN dreams, and to NEVER give up.
5. SEEK my OWN happiness.
6. SHOW the ones I love, the love I have for them ALWAYS!
7. Make a difference in ONE person's life... okay TEN or more.
8. Dance when it RAINS, when it POURS, and when it STORMS. Life is only as bad as you make it.
9. SUCCEED in Grad School and get the best and most out of it that I can!
10. LEARN new things daily.
11. FIND what makes ME happy!
While I think these are quite simple, I hope I can follow through with all of these. This year is my year to FIND who I truly am. I have done so much in the past to do what makes the OTHERS around me happy. I am stubborn, and like to make others happy. However, this year while I hope to continue to be stubborn and make others happy, I hope to do things that truly make ME happy. I look forward to all of the adventures life takes me on this year, and can only shoot for the moon, and hope I land on a few great shining stars.
I hope all of you have a great 2012! Best of luck to all of you and your NEW resolutions. May they lead you to happiness and success! :)
Much Love,