I haven't been able to update this in a week or so, I have been SO busy its absurd!
To start out this week, I had the flu and a really bad cold...as the week went on I still had a cold and an awful cough, thankfully the flu bug went away. Needless to say I missed some classes, and then went to some that I needed to be at. By needed to be at I mean.... oh wait I have four tests in TWO days. How on earth is a normal functioning person suppose to get the proper studying in when you are trying to study for multiple loads of tests. Let's just say...I don't think it is POSSIBLE...for me at least. Anyways I tried my best, sure doubt I got the results I would have liked....but hey, I still have many more tests in those classes that I can ACE! (wishful thinking?)
Anyways, Yesterday was Alex's 18th Birthday! How crazy to think he is growing up SO fast, he also went and met with the University of St. Thomas baseball coach the other day, from what I've heard sounds like GREAT news...for me especially [Alex will go there, I just know it]! some of you might wonder if Alex has a choice to where he goes...well to make this sound as non-selfish as can be...he doesn't not in my opinion ;) that is a JOKE! But I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if him and I were at the same school, or if I don't get into St. Thomas' grad program I am applying to other places in the cities such as Bethel, and University of St. Mary's Minneapolis campus! So I can be close to him NO matter what! Wohoo! He's looking forward to this too, I can sense it!
I start my job next week! Very excited to make some money again! As well as see some of my favorite residents ever!
I just finished up my 5th week of the semester which means there are only 11 more weeks left of the semester and 50 more class days. Thank the LOrd, especially when this week was a living hell. I hate being so stressed out, I particularly hate it because I am a perfectionist, who has to have everything perfect and going my way, however that was NOT the case this week. That sucks, and stresses me out. Next week is a new week however, and new opportunities can come from that so I guess starting next week I will just study more to prepare myself for tests down the road, and do even more homework in advance well will see how well this goes. UGH I just want to be done with this semester and have good grades, I thought senior year was suppose to be like high school senior year...you know senior slide? Apparently college professors have NEVER heard of it... so my advice to some day seniors in college....when a class is a 450+ level class...that DOES NOT mean it is going to be easy!
That's all for now, hope you have a good weekend. Hopefully I find something fun to do while staying in Fargo for the weekend...
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Needing a Break
Current place: my bed
Current activity: studying
Current thought process: How many days till I'm done with all of this?
College tuition: 4,500 dollars a semester
College text books: 600 dollars approximately
Rewards of studying for 9 hours straight: NOTHING!
Hopefully you can guess my two examples: studying at the moment, well was. I have been studying since I got home from classes today which was 3pm it is now 11:30 pm, I did however take one break...to go to Dairy Queen with Mark, well worth it. I got the mini- brownie batter blizzard. Nice little reward for all of my studying I suppose, however now I've got gas haha! Mark even said that would happen...he knows me so well. On a happier thought only 58 more class days till all of this studying pays off! 58 is getting down there, so exciting and almost exactly three months. I was told the other day that I should never wish away my college years, my response..." I have 5 more years of college left anyways" So I suppose I still have a lot more studying to do down the road, but I mean I will be done with my undergrad and I will be out of Fargo for good! So bring on the days! Fly by fast!
To make time go by faster here I got a job! I am not sure exactly why I got a job, I surely don't have time to have a job, but I am missing the incoming money that I have had every two weeks for the last 3 years...so that was a big factor, and watching your savings go to a car payment sucks especially when nothing is coming in. Dumb! so I got a job, at the same place I worked at last year during school, but now I am working nights, just every other weekend so it shouldn't be too bad!
I got four phone calls between Monday and Today from different colleges dealing with potential graduate programs I hope to get into, I must say what a sweet feeling that is to know that you are going to be done with college, and dedicated enough to go on with even more school, I mean its not like 12 years of elementary, middle and high school wasn't enough...as well as 4 years of college....why not add on at least 5more years heck! ehh hopefully it will all pay off in the end, if not, well I will find someone to pay off my school loans I suppose ;)
Nothing too eventful has happened up here in Fargo, go figure. I officially put on the Uggs last Friday and have worn them every day since...its freezing up here, and I'm debating pulling out the winter jacket hat and mitts soon ;) ha I do have my fall decorations up now too, so festive. Wish I had more, however I'm lacking in the funds to support my lavish decorating expenses... guess that will have to wait until I get a big girl job in January and some day my own place again.
The other day a good guy friend of mine asked my why I wasn't going to school to be a writer, he goes " you tell the funniest stories without being on paper and thought, think if you were to sit down and really think of a great story and had a piece of paper" geee...maybe I'll write a book some day too, actually I plan on it...trust me it will be good, I have a vision of one, one that makes you laugh, makes you tear up, one that makes you ball, much like from the movie 'Something's Gotta Give' I envision my readers having a response to my book much like this clip:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EasFCjUqWdU hahahaha oh p.s that will be me writing it too!! can't you just picture it! ;) but mostly my book will touch every readers heart!
If you're looking for a great new CD to purchase I highly suggest you to go out and buy the new Sara Bareilles' Kaleidoscope Heart! Hands down best CD of hers to date! You will love it! I will leave you with a couple of my favorite songs through YouTube links! Enjoy!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg_yHmvAbUg&feature=related (this one is my favorite)
Well that's all for tonight, off to study some more...ugh!
Current activity: studying
Current thought process: How many days till I'm done with all of this?
College tuition: 4,500 dollars a semester
College text books: 600 dollars approximately
Rewards of studying for 9 hours straight: NOTHING!
Hopefully you can guess my two examples: studying at the moment, well was. I have been studying since I got home from classes today which was 3pm it is now 11:30 pm, I did however take one break...to go to Dairy Queen with Mark, well worth it. I got the mini- brownie batter blizzard. Nice little reward for all of my studying I suppose, however now I've got gas haha! Mark even said that would happen...he knows me so well. On a happier thought only 58 more class days till all of this studying pays off! 58 is getting down there, so exciting and almost exactly three months. I was told the other day that I should never wish away my college years, my response..." I have 5 more years of college left anyways" So I suppose I still have a lot more studying to do down the road, but I mean I will be done with my undergrad and I will be out of Fargo for good! So bring on the days! Fly by fast!
To make time go by faster here I got a job! I am not sure exactly why I got a job, I surely don't have time to have a job, but I am missing the incoming money that I have had every two weeks for the last 3 years...so that was a big factor, and watching your savings go to a car payment sucks especially when nothing is coming in. Dumb! so I got a job, at the same place I worked at last year during school, but now I am working nights, just every other weekend so it shouldn't be too bad!
I got four phone calls between Monday and Today from different colleges dealing with potential graduate programs I hope to get into, I must say what a sweet feeling that is to know that you are going to be done with college, and dedicated enough to go on with even more school, I mean its not like 12 years of elementary, middle and high school wasn't enough...as well as 4 years of college....why not add on at least 5more years heck! ehh hopefully it will all pay off in the end, if not, well I will find someone to pay off my school loans I suppose ;)
Nothing too eventful has happened up here in Fargo, go figure. I officially put on the Uggs last Friday and have worn them every day since...its freezing up here, and I'm debating pulling out the winter jacket hat and mitts soon ;) ha I do have my fall decorations up now too, so festive. Wish I had more, however I'm lacking in the funds to support my lavish decorating expenses... guess that will have to wait until I get a big girl job in January and some day my own place again.
The other day a good guy friend of mine asked my why I wasn't going to school to be a writer, he goes " you tell the funniest stories without being on paper and thought, think if you were to sit down and really think of a great story and had a piece of paper" geee...maybe I'll write a book some day too, actually I plan on it...trust me it will be good, I have a vision of one, one that makes you laugh, makes you tear up, one that makes you ball, much like from the movie 'Something's Gotta Give' I envision my readers having a response to my book much like this clip:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EasFCjUqWdU hahahaha oh p.s that will be me writing it too!! can't you just picture it! ;) but mostly my book will touch every readers heart!
If you're looking for a great new CD to purchase I highly suggest you to go out and buy the new Sara Bareilles' Kaleidoscope Heart! Hands down best CD of hers to date! You will love it! I will leave you with a couple of my favorite songs through YouTube links! Enjoy!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg_yHmvAbUg&feature=related (this one is my favorite)
Well that's all for tonight, off to study some more...ugh!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Car Crash
Today was an awful day!
I knew it would be a bad day from the moment I got up, one the wind woke me up because I could hear the strong hurricane winds no joke, whoever said Chicago is the windy city was wrong, please come to Fargo! Then my coffee maker never went off so I didn't get my morning coffee fix, anyways go to turn on the TV...Obama was on every channel I have [yes I'm too cheap, aka broke college student= didn't buy cable] So I turn the TV off and listened to the radio, no good songs on. Anyways make it to my first class barely staying awake, that's when I decided to leave and go to Caribou...dun dun duhhh.... on my way back to campus I spill my coffee cup, I then proceeded to look down and try to clean it up...that is when I looked up and saw a nice black Mercedes braking fast! NO time to react, slammed on my breaks, unfortunately I don't have anti-lock breaks so I just slid on the wet road then BOOM!!!!! right into the back of the car... pull over and I saw the CUTEST little old lady ever, so then I start crying I'm no longer shaking I am crying and have severe hand trembles, I love little old ladies, and then she starts to cry because " I feel so bad for you, are you okay?" haha she was too kind, anyways exchange insurance and yada yada then she grabbed my hand and goes "you are such a sweetheart of a little girl" I just kept apologizing to her because HELLO I smashed her new car. :( anyways that was my day, so now my cars front is smashed up, DUMB. Can't wait to tell mom and dad when I pick them up at the airport tomorrow night!! That shall be fun.....
Well off to bed, Lupus run tomorrow!! :)
Hope everyone else had a better day!
I knew it would be a bad day from the moment I got up, one the wind woke me up because I could hear the strong hurricane winds no joke, whoever said Chicago is the windy city was wrong, please come to Fargo! Then my coffee maker never went off so I didn't get my morning coffee fix, anyways go to turn on the TV...Obama was on every channel I have [yes I'm too cheap, aka broke college student= didn't buy cable] So I turn the TV off and listened to the radio, no good songs on. Anyways make it to my first class barely staying awake, that's when I decided to leave and go to Caribou...dun dun duhhh.... on my way back to campus I spill my coffee cup, I then proceeded to look down and try to clean it up...that is when I looked up and saw a nice black Mercedes braking fast! NO time to react, slammed on my breaks, unfortunately I don't have anti-lock breaks so I just slid on the wet road then BOOM!!!!! right into the back of the car... pull over and I saw the CUTEST little old lady ever, so then I start crying I'm no longer shaking I am crying and have severe hand trembles, I love little old ladies, and then she starts to cry because " I feel so bad for you, are you okay?" haha she was too kind, anyways exchange insurance and yada yada then she grabbed my hand and goes "you are such a sweetheart of a little girl" I just kept apologizing to her because HELLO I smashed her new car. :( anyways that was my day, so now my cars front is smashed up, DUMB. Can't wait to tell mom and dad when I pick them up at the airport tomorrow night!! That shall be fun.....
Well off to bed, Lupus run tomorrow!! :)
Hope everyone else had a better day!
It's been awhile...
It's been awhile since I have blogged, it's funny how time flies by. I thought I would have kept this up all summer long with fun photos and what not's however that wasn't the case. It is now September, my third week of my final semester of college is done, and only 62 more class days left for me, but whose counting? ;) Thankfully I have amazing classes this semester that I love, they are all time consuming which is okay since it keeps me busy and makes time fly faster while here in Fargo. I feel that I am finally at a place in my life where I know exactly what I want to do with my major and what type of career I would love to take on! I feel that I have learned so much from my Alzheimer's residents that I plan on going to Grad school to become a Neuropsychologist and one day open my own Psychiatric clinic based on brain injuries, brain cancer and Alzheimer's, I truly feel like this is my calling. I cannot be anymore excited to someday pursue this dream of mine!
Enough about school, I signed up for the Mankato Marathon, which is on October 23rd, I couldn't be more excited about this. This will be my first full marathon, I am nervous but the training has been fun! Yesterday I ran 14.9 miles, it felt good to be on a long run. I then realized that running a marathon is basically running from my front door in the cities all the way to Ali's house in St. Paul, that however does NOT make running a marathon sound fun! Ish! I guess a couple weeks before I run the real marathon I should run to St. Paul ha! You'll probably find me on the side of the road off 94 or 35 W before I even am close to Ali's! oofta!
Alex started his senior year of high school this week, makes me sad to think he's already that old! I remember when I was a senior in high school and I felt so old now that I'm 21 I feel like I'm so young, its funny how you perception of things change! I hope he has a great senior year with no bull Shiaat! I also hope he decided on a college where there is a Clinical Psychology program so I can follow him off to college ;) some of you may think I'm kidding, however that is not the case I'm dead serious. Alex is my best friend and I constantly text him while I'm in Fargo, he gets annoyed but I just like to know what's going on all the time! So I figured the only way I wouldn't distract him from his college studies is to follow him! (he's okay with this too...I think?) By the way did I mention he's picking St. Thomas? HAHA Well I hope anyways because that is where I hope and plan to attend grad school and whats better than a busy cluttered St. Paul? Anyways good luck with school Alex I know you'll do great! :) xoxo
The other weekend Maria (Alex's adorable Girlfriend) and I made Mauer an awesome necklace for him to wear, some of you are probably thinking why on earth, but random ideas always come to my mind. Needless to say this necklace is pretty funny, it is blue and teal beads and he has had it on for a week now! After we put the necklace on him we decided to dress him up too WHO KNOWS WHY! He loved it though, I mean after all he was getting attention. Did I mention mom and dad have been gone for two weeks in Alaska so Mauer is pouting all the time because Dad is around and when Alex and I play with him we think 15 minutes is enough, but yet that's not good enough for Mauer? So anyways the funny personality dog that he is stares off into la la land and pouts it's quite comical actually. We called dad and put him on speaker phone to talk to his poor depressed dog, and let me tell you Mauer went nuts he was running all around looking for Dad, and barking quite funny actually! Then there is McGuire, who just lays around all day and night, never sure if he's breathing or not he's getting so old he hops up the stairs and has to pause to take a breather poor smelly thing!
Here is his necklace you can kinda see it, the picture turned out funny!
Last weekend Alex and I took Maria and Mark to the State Fair, depending on who you talked to you would either here we had fun, Kayla was crabby, Mark complained a lot, Maria couldn't eat much, or it was a blast... umm no matter what could be said about the fair lets just leave it at a simple, it was an experience. I don't know if I will ever take Mark back there with me. I love the state fair I think it is so much fun to walk around for hours and people watch, listen to concerts and just enjoy the 'normal-ness' of your family haha anyways, this was Mark's first experience at the State fair, lets just say he was disgusted!! The next day Mark and I did have fun at the Twins game though! We managed not to melt in the rain and saw another win from the Twins all in all it was a good weekend!
This weekend I am really looking forward to the Lupus Run! Stay tuned for details on how the weekend and the run went!
Enough about school, I signed up for the Mankato Marathon, which is on October 23rd, I couldn't be more excited about this. This will be my first full marathon, I am nervous but the training has been fun! Yesterday I ran 14.9 miles, it felt good to be on a long run. I then realized that running a marathon is basically running from my front door in the cities all the way to Ali's house in St. Paul, that however does NOT make running a marathon sound fun! Ish! I guess a couple weeks before I run the real marathon I should run to St. Paul ha! You'll probably find me on the side of the road off 94 or 35 W before I even am close to Ali's! oofta!
Alex started his senior year of high school this week, makes me sad to think he's already that old! I remember when I was a senior in high school and I felt so old now that I'm 21 I feel like I'm so young, its funny how you perception of things change! I hope he has a great senior year with no bull Shiaat! I also hope he decided on a college where there is a Clinical Psychology program so I can follow him off to college ;) some of you may think I'm kidding, however that is not the case I'm dead serious. Alex is my best friend and I constantly text him while I'm in Fargo, he gets annoyed but I just like to know what's going on all the time! So I figured the only way I wouldn't distract him from his college studies is to follow him! (he's okay with this too...I think?) By the way did I mention he's picking St. Thomas? HAHA Well I hope anyways because that is where I hope and plan to attend grad school and whats better than a busy cluttered St. Paul? Anyways good luck with school Alex I know you'll do great! :) xoxo
The other weekend Maria (Alex's adorable Girlfriend) and I made Mauer an awesome necklace for him to wear, some of you are probably thinking why on earth, but random ideas always come to my mind. Needless to say this necklace is pretty funny, it is blue and teal beads and he has had it on for a week now! After we put the necklace on him we decided to dress him up too WHO KNOWS WHY! He loved it though, I mean after all he was getting attention. Did I mention mom and dad have been gone for two weeks in Alaska so Mauer is pouting all the time because Dad is around and when Alex and I play with him we think 15 minutes is enough, but yet that's not good enough for Mauer? So anyways the funny personality dog that he is stares off into la la land and pouts it's quite comical actually. We called dad and put him on speaker phone to talk to his poor depressed dog, and let me tell you Mauer went nuts he was running all around looking for Dad, and barking quite funny actually! Then there is McGuire, who just lays around all day and night, never sure if he's breathing or not he's getting so old he hops up the stairs and has to pause to take a breather poor smelly thing!
Last weekend Alex and I took Maria and Mark to the State Fair, depending on who you talked to you would either here we had fun, Kayla was crabby, Mark complained a lot, Maria couldn't eat much, or it was a blast... umm no matter what could be said about the fair lets just leave it at a simple, it was an experience. I don't know if I will ever take Mark back there with me. I love the state fair I think it is so much fun to walk around for hours and people watch, listen to concerts and just enjoy the 'normal-ness' of your family haha anyways, this was Mark's first experience at the State fair, lets just say he was disgusted!! The next day Mark and I did have fun at the Twins game though! We managed not to melt in the rain and saw another win from the Twins all in all it was a good weekend!
This weekend I am really looking forward to the Lupus Run! Stay tuned for details on how the weekend and the run went!
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