Enough about school, I signed up for the Mankato Marathon, which is on October 23rd, I couldn't be more excited about this. This will be my first full marathon, I am nervous but the training has been fun! Yesterday I ran 14.9 miles, it felt good to be on a long run. I then realized that running a marathon is basically running from my front door in the cities all the way to Ali's house in St. Paul, that however does NOT make running a marathon sound fun! Ish! I guess a couple weeks before I run the real marathon I should run to St. Paul ha! You'll probably find me on the side of the road off 94 or 35 W before I even am close to Ali's! oofta!
Alex started his senior year of high school this week, makes me sad to think he's already that old! I remember when I was a senior in high school and I felt so old now that I'm 21 I feel like I'm so young, its funny how you perception of things change! I hope he has a great senior year with no bull Shiaat! I also hope he decided on a college where there is a Clinical Psychology program so I can follow him off to college ;) some of you may think I'm kidding, however that is not the case I'm dead serious. Alex is my best friend and I constantly text him while I'm in Fargo, he gets annoyed but I just like to know what's going on all the time! So I figured the only way I wouldn't distract him from his college studies is to follow him! (he's okay with this too...I think?) By the way did I mention he's picking St. Thomas? HAHA Well I hope anyways because that is where I hope and plan to attend grad school and whats better than a busy cluttered St. Paul? Anyways good luck with school Alex I know you'll do great! :) xoxo
The other weekend Maria (Alex's adorable Girlfriend) and I made Mauer an awesome necklace for him to wear, some of you are probably thinking why on earth, but random ideas always come to my mind. Needless to say this necklace is pretty funny, it is blue and teal beads and he has had it on for a week now! After we put the necklace on him we decided to dress him up too WHO KNOWS WHY! He loved it though, I mean after all he was getting attention. Did I mention mom and dad have been gone for two weeks in Alaska so Mauer is pouting all the time because Dad is around and when Alex and I play with him we think 15 minutes is enough, but yet that's not good enough for Mauer? So anyways the funny personality dog that he is stares off into la la land and pouts it's quite comical actually. We called dad and put him on speaker phone to talk to his poor depressed dog, and let me tell you Mauer went nuts he was running all around looking for Dad, and barking quite funny actually! Then there is McGuire, who just lays around all day and night, never sure if he's breathing or not he's getting so old he hops up the stairs and has to pause to take a breather poor smelly thing!
Last weekend Alex and I took Maria and Mark to the State Fair, depending on who you talked to you would either here we had fun, Kayla was crabby, Mark complained a lot, Maria couldn't eat much, or it was a blast... umm no matter what could be said about the fair lets just leave it at a simple, it was an experience. I don't know if I will ever take Mark back there with me. I love the state fair I think it is so much fun to walk around for hours and people watch, listen to concerts and just enjoy the 'normal-ness' of your family haha anyways, this was Mark's first experience at the State fair, lets just say he was disgusted!! The next day Mark and I did have fun at the Twins game though! We managed not to melt in the rain and saw another win from the Twins all in all it was a good weekend!
This weekend I am really looking forward to the Lupus Run! Stay tuned for details on how the weekend and the run went!