Well, I have officially entered Mid-Term week...which means I have survived 8 weeks of the semester so far, only 8 more weeks to go, hopefully I survive that too! With that being said only 39 more class days or something like that, I don't have my count down by me ;)
It has flown by super fast though thinking about it, and I know the next 8 weeks will fly...my break down is pretty sweet sounding anyways... tomorrow is hump day so this week is practically over.
Week 7: 10.18-10.24 is my week before my marathon ( the 23rd) So that will pass by fast.
Week 6: 10.25-11.01 is a sucky week with two tests, but I plan on going home for that weekend!
Week 5: 11.08-11.14: two more tests, but with the 11th off!! Woop Woop, then work that weekend.
Week 4: 11.15-11.21: two tests, two huge writing assignments due. YUCK! Home that weekend for SURE then.
Week 3: 11.22-11.28: Test Monday, back home Tuesday after classes for THANKSGIVING WEEK! however...I have to work that Thursday night, and weekend...so back up to Fargo :(
Week 2: 11.29-12.05: Nothing too bad!!! Just a few labs.
Week 1: 12.06-12-12 Dead week, which is basically a study week so I don't count that week or days at all because there aren't classes for me! :)
Week 0: 12.13-12.17: Finals....UGHHHHHH!
But I can do it, I have to keep thinking like the "little engine that COULD": I can just hear my mom now: "I think I can I think I can I think I can"
Well now that you all have my agenda, mark it on your calenders ;)
This weekend was a absolute BLAST! I don't think I have had fun like that in YEARS and I am serious too! Lot's of laughs, and lots of fun people. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend, just wish it could be like that every day.
I took some of Alex's senior pictures.... Good thing I had Maria with me to help make him actually smile and not have one of those "okay this is really dumb" expression on his face.
We tried to get Mauer and McGuire in pictures too, Lets just say...with them both in pictures with Alex was a huge failure, McGuire does NOT cooperate (so un-coach-able) [hey Kinda like ME]. Then there is Mauer, who I have to say is probably the funniest dog around. When dad says I don't like Mauer because we are too much alike is probably right....hmm.. Anyways talk about such a photogenic dog, he was just LOVING it, I will post some pictures so you can see what I mean. But it was super fun, who know's how pleased mom was with the pictures though!
this first one is one of my favorites of Alex, then the ones with the dogs crack me up!

10.13.10 is my dear best friend Ali's 22nd birthday!!! So Happy Birthday to you Ali!! :)
Well that is all for tonight! It's starting to get chilly here again and of course the wind is blowing 100 mph. Cant wait to get out of this place. I must say though it will be weird living back at home, I mean I'll be forced to drink milk at dinner, and eat what my mom makes not have a bowl of cereal. ha ha I am not complaining though...well about the milk I am.
Have a good Wednesday everyone!!