On Saturday I graduated from College!
Here is a picture of Mark and I on Graduation day! (He had a baseball game, which is why he is not dressed up!)
I consider myself one of the lucky ones to finish "on time." On time, meaning in 4 years or less!
It doesn't seem like much of a big deal to me, its just a mile marker down in my eyes. I'm not done with school for good, so this "all done with school thing" is a tease for me! Oh well, great things will come with Grad School so I look forward to my new adventures with school, I think great big things are in store for me!
I've learned a LOT in the last four years. I can't tell you what I learned in Anatomy Class Freshman year at Mankato, but I can tell you... don't go to class hung over, you won't learn anything that way! ;) I can't tell you I learned much in Chemistry either... make sure to put "cheat" sheet notes in the calculator so you remember how to do the calculations.
No, this blog isn't to tell you of all the 'bad' things I did in college, I would like to consider myself a pretty well behaved college student. I studied hard, got good grades, didn't get pregnant in college, and I found who I was!
Freshman year I started at Mankato, first thing I learned...dorms SUCK! I remember move in day like it was yesterday, rainy, muggy and hot! I remember texting a specific boy saying "I'm kinda nervous, what if this isn't what I expect?!" Pretending to be super excited for the parents was easy, however I remember being scared! Moving in we were sweating it was awful. Maybe the rainy day we had should have been taken as a sign how freshman year would go.... miserable, drove up to the cabin 3 days after I moved in.... transferred after fall semester.
I learned dorm food sucks also. My mom had to call and remind me to eat there.... "that meal plan was a lot of money" blah blah blah! The fact that food sat out for people to touch, cough, sneeze on sounds just as disturbing as it did then as it does now. Needless to say, I didn't eat there much!
I also learned people change... this was the toughest thing for me to learn. Its funny to look back and think of how much I liked someone & how relationships don't last & how fast things change. Or to think of how much "friends" from high school...actually aren't your friends in college. I think it is depressing to see how much people change, well some change is good. I feel that I changed a lot in those few months of being away at school... I was growing up, maturing, and finding who I really was.
I met great friends who I still call my friends. I had great laughs with them, and lasting memories. There are a specific memories that I still look back at and laugh out loud. Those are the best! I think freshman year offered a lot of events that lead me to great places in my life. Freshman year is when I also started dating Mark, luckily for me I still have him!
Sophomore year was kinda dull, more like a blur. I do remember driving down to Iowa a lot to watch Mark's baseball games. I have met great guys on that team some of which I consider great friends of mine. The "DMACC" days as Mark and I refer to them as were the greatest college memories I have had by far. The friendships and memories created there are irreplaceable.
Junior year, I made the dumbest decision of my life... move to Fargo. Junior year was by far way worse than my freshman year at Mankato. Fargo should have never been a place I moved to. It wasn't the right fit for me, nor did it make me happy. For the events that have happened in Fargo, I will forever HATE Fargo. Fargo made me realize how much I appreciated my family being close to me, how much I truly appreciated my REAL friends, and how great the friends I had really are!
My main goal that year: GET OUT FAST!
Fast was my main mission Senior year of college. I got out of there after Fall semester and moved back home in December. Senior year wasn't fun either, lots of drama...things I thought I was forever done with once I walked out of the doors of my high school however that wasn't the case.
College may seem like it wasn't that much fun for me... four years later, four colleges later...I'm done. That is truly what matters. Its between the pages that meant the most to me. I have memories with friends that I will cherish forever. I have great friends that I know will be my friends for life. I have had laughs that gave me just as much of a side ache now as they did a long time ago. Most of all I can smile when I look back on the things I have witnessed and experience since my freshman year of college.
I learned what it was like to have my heart broken. What love felt like. What friendship truly is. Most of all I have learned what it means to be me. I know what my goals and ambitions are in life, I have dreams to chase from here on out, and intend to chase them.
Katherine Anne Porter once said: " Don't sidestep suffering. You have to go through it to get where you're going."
With that being said, my new motto in life is "Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order." - Samuel Beckett.