Today Mauer ran away! I let him out about 9:40 this morning and normally he stays in the backyard...however today that wasn't the case. He was GONE! I searched for him for about 50 minutes, until finally I get to the park! When I got to the park I had to smile, not only because I knew I found Mauer, but the sight was so freeing and liberating.
Here's this yellow lab leaping, running as fast as he can... HAPPY! He looked so happy out there, so how could I get mad at him. As I'm calling his name, he turns his head towards me and gives me that look like "oh shit" it was honestly so funny. For those of you who know him, his looks he gives people are priceless, its almost as if he were human.
When he turned his head towards me, he looked...then just get leaping and running as if he were the free-est happiest dog in the world. Almost as if he were giggling while running. When I finally got him to come my way he went straight for all the little kids playing at the playground, while mothers looked worried that some crazy dog is on the loose, but all he did was lay down right next to a mom and rolled on his back like he wanted a belly scratch. He sure has a way with people, the two mom's then started rubbing his belly as I finally get up to him and the little toddlers were loving him. How could I yell at him?
I couldn't... we walked back home as he was leashed up and kept looking back at me as if I were an evil parent ruining his fun. OH well he's home and not dead on the side of the road!
(here is a picture of him giggling this winter, but this is what I think he was doing when I saw him at the park)

Anyways, on to real life stuff.
I started grad school on the 29th of August, it hasn't been too crazy yet, however the papers that I have to write that aren't due for awhile are already scaring me! I wish I had in detail what the criteria was for them so I could get a jump start! I like finishing things way before they are due! Anyways, classes are good, I can actually say I am enjoying STATS, never in my life did I think those words would come out of my mouth. The first day we watched a YouTube video on math... here is the link, its pretty funny....
Alex left us on the 3rd of September. I can honestly say mom didn't cry, well at least I didn't see her cry. If anyone cried I'm sure dad cried secretly in the bathroom or something...haha I will admit I teared up a little, okay a lot. But only at night time!
The house is super duper quiet now, I am the loud one of the family; however with Alex gone I have no one to joke around with... SUCKS!
When we moved Alex in the joke of our house was if the weather was muggy, raining and hot his school year would suck. (when I moved into Mankato the weather was hot, muggy, and rainy...well I only lasted a semester when I moved to NDSU my first year there the weather was hot, muggy and rainy...... I hated my life there.... haha then my second and final semester there it was hot, muggy, and raining....hated it just as much as the first year you get my point) Well needless to say the weather was cool and actually a decent day so he will be fine!
With that being said, OBVIOUSLY it's better than fine for him because he NEVER talks to us.... this part is extremely hard for me because Alex and I talked everyday, all day and now he is "an independent adult" now (which I don't understand) No worries though, because I gave him an ear full the other day on how just once a day he should at least "check-in" he didn't seem to understand why this is he's not listening to me very well. Little does he know.... I will just come stop by if this theory of his keeps up!
I told my mom the other day that I was envious of Alex, he is loving college, playing the sport he loves and does NOT have to work.... ahhh to be young again. Her response was "Alex will be envious of you someday because his debt will be more expensive" but no this isn't the point!
My mom and dad have now became pretty much "Empty Nester's" I say 98% of the time they are on their own. I go to school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday nights, and the other days I'm out trying to enjoy the life people call "adulthood" aka spending time with friends, going out and working. During the day I work so my life seems to not exist at home, I really just use my parents house for a place to sleep and then BOOM back at the crazy life. So I really have no idea how my parents are enjoying their "new" life together! Hopefully they are enjoying it, because I think it sounds kinda fun!
I'm sad to say that summer is done, I drive down St. Paul and see the leaves starting to change, which excites me!! I think fall is honestly the most gorgeous season there is, and I cannot wait till the leaves start to change even more. According to the NEWS it is going to be the best colors in 10 years!! Cannot wait to whip my camera out and take TONS of pictures!
I have so many things I want to do this fall so I'm looking forward to it. This fall I'm dedicating my life to my very own "life of independence," basically doing everything and anything that excites me, makes me happy, makes me feel free and on my own. (NO MOVING OUT IS NOT ON MY LIST) but adventure is mostly what I'm talking about. I am on a mission to find my very own true meaning of ME! I cannot wait!
One of my best friends and I are training for the Mankato half marathon! So we have been running around Lake Calhoun and Lake of the Isles for maybe a month now, and its so much fun! She has never done a half marathon or maybe even ran as far as I make her, but she has been quite the trooper and we have had such great laughs while training so its been great! I have been taking pictures on our run! I think everyone should get down there and walk, bike, run, or Rollerblade around those lakes, such a beautiful sight! :)
Lake Calhoun :) Taken on Friday!
Lake Calhoun :) Taken on Friday!
That's all for today, happy Monday! :)