This comic above just cracks me up!
It amazes me what comes out of some people's mouths these days. Where were the parents to help guide individuals into mature classy adults?! Apparently absent, that is my only conclusion. After my night I had at work I am now questioning why I want to help people psychologically, while rather maybe I should teach them manners and English... hm.. perhaps I'm on to something! ;)
To start my shift off, I was walking down the main hall in the hospital and a "fella" said to me in passing "dammn GURRRRL shake whatchya mamma gave yUH!" I turned and looked at him and said "Excuse me? That was rather rude, my mom doesn't have an ass." and kept walking. Honestly, where do people find comments like this acceptable? You're at a hospital, not a strip club. While most patients are merely clothed, this is still not a strip joint. It is a hospital.

For those of you who don't know... the hospital is in the heart of the ghetto! I mean...realistically we get every thug from every 2 block radius. While not every patient is a "thug" the "thugs" seem to think they run the hospital. Hello!! Some people are actually paying for their stay here and are honestly sick.... (wait, is that too honest? Whatever, it is the TRUTH!)
Another incident from last night. A call light goes off for a patient that was not mine, however I like to help people so I answered the call light. Boy was that a mistake. I walk in "Hi! Can I help you with something?" The man replies " B!tcH get me god damn pain meds, now" I just froze, stunned.... what part of my "Hi! Can I help you with something" sounded like "Hi! I'm you bitch, I'll take your order now" people, common sense here, you respect others you shall get respect in return. People that treat me like that automatically annoy me. Where are your manners?! As this man continued to throw many more rude inappropriate words towards me I walked out with no intentions of helping him. We later had to call a "code green" on him because he was throwing his phone, urinal, table, and even a chair at the nurse.... really.... really?....Really?!!! Grow up! I feel so bad for other patients that need to hear and see such rude and immature behaviors.
Again another incident, I was going to go to the bathroom and the aid who talked more ghetto than what I'd imagine people in the Bronx talk like says to me as I'm walking into the bathroom "ahhhh gurrrl yuh betta not go in dur I shit real bad!" I turned and looked at her with my eyes I'm sure just massive, "WHAT?!" I asked, did I really just hear her right?! haha she goes "I shit in there, stinky real bad" Oh my goodness. I just about died. I am not one who ever likes to talk about pooping, so this was just so not something I needed to know. However, since it was the only bathroom available I took one for the team and took a deep breath before entering and went to the bathroom as fast as I could. I'd imagine the huge sigh of breath I made after exiting the bathroom was heard by her around the other side of the hall.
Cripes the things I see and experience as an everyday basis at the hospital. So my only advice for people who may have to experience a stay in the hospital.
1. Get a private room
2. Don't expect much
3. Don't expect much quietness
4. Be NICE
6. Understand that you are NOT the only patient being cared for
7. Appreciate the help we give you, especially if we are genuinely being nice.
8. Do NOT hit on your nurses, aids, or doctors...its really creepy!
