Where to start. well 13 class days left!! WOOHOO!! :)
It's been awhile, however I don't have much to discuss about me...nothing new here, just school kickin my booty like always.
In the last week, friends of mine have been hit with life changing news...no they are not preggers... worse. A girl friend of mine found out her dad has cancer, I felt awful when I heard this news. I could never imagine getting news like this about my mom or dad and hope to God I never do. That's when it hit me, life can change in an instant... I will never take my life for granted ever again, nor miss opportunities for family time. Family is my rock, and strength when I need picking up. I tell my parents everything, and don't hold anything back. I couldn't imagine not having that type of relationship with them. They are more my best friends if anything, but parent me as well. I could never not have that in my life.
Then the second sad story came, a dear friend of Mark and mine's dad passed away Monday night. This man was one of the greatest men to ever walk the planet. Since the day I met him I always received hugs from him from there on out at all of the baseball games or at Mark and Tyler's apartment. Tyler's parents were all about family, and support. Mark and Kathy never missed a DMACC baseball game, they treated every boy on the team like one of their own children, they were never biased towards one player or another, they supported, cheered, encouraged every single player to be there best. Mark was a devoted father to Tyler and his brother Austin, never missed an event of theirs. I can recall so many times Skyping with Tyler when his dad would call on the phone, and Tyler would give me the 1 minute symbol with his finger, and they always said "I love you" before they got off the phone. Tyler loved his dad deeply, this I knew because you could see it, and he expressed it. So many people grow up to not be close to their parents, and dream or wish to have a relationship like theirs. I can only express my heartbreak for Tyler, Austin and Kathy. But mostly I want everyone to know how great of a man Mark was. He lived each day as if it where his last, he always had such a positive outlook on everything even when things would be bad, he found ways to support everyone and encourage them to not give up.
As far as their goodbyes went, they never got to say their final goodbye's, this breaks my heart, and makes me cry every time I think about it.
I don't ever want to hear the news that my mom or dad has an illness, but I would much rather hear that then get a phone call late at night that one of my parents passed away unexpectedly, when someone has "time" to live, you get to say EVERYTHING you have ever wanted, repair old wounds, and create lasting memories. But when someone dies unexpectedly, you are left with.... "I wish....." and that would be even worse. As far as Tyler goes, how do you find the words to say to a dear dear friend who has been there for you for so many stupid dramatic events in my life, to now flip roles and support him in such a devastating loss?
Words don't do a justice, but I know he knows I am always here for him, however it sucks because you just don't know how to exactly "help". However note to EVERYONE, when someone I love deeply passes away, please do NOT ever say "STAY STRONG" how can you tell someone to stay strong, when it is completely acceptable and normal to not be strong, to break down ball your eyes out, punch walls, break things....to feel pain. Let people loose it, let them be weak, let them weep, don't tell them to be strong because being strong is the last thing they are thinking about when in such a horrible situation. So please don't ever tell me to be "strong" because odds are, I won't be.
My lesson for this post is for everyone to know how great their life truly is, yes you may fight with someone you love, with your family. But in the end love is what keeps people together, they could be gone tomorrow....don't ever take the love and support you have for granted. LOVE deeply, risk everything, and never go to bed angry with someone you never know if you will get the opportunity to say "I'm sorry" or "I love you" ever again. So make sure you tell people how you feel.
Cherish the life that you have, if you are unhappy, fix it. You only get one life to live.
Have a great night,
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
head full of doubt....
"When nothing is owed or deserved or expected
And your life doesn’t change by the man that’s elected
If you’re loved by someone, you’re never rejected
Decide what to be and go be it
There was a dream and one day I could see it
Like a bird in a cage I broke in and demanded that somebody free it
And there was a kid with a head full of doubt
So I’ll scream til I die and the last of those bad thoughts are finally out
There’s a darkness upon you that’s flooded in light
And in the fine print they tell you what’s wrong and what’s right
And it flies by day and it flies by night
And I’m frightened by those that don’t see it"
This song is my favorite, well for the moment or week I guess I should say since my "favorite" song changes every moment.
Anyways on with my blabber.
This song seems to "speak" to me so to say... I have been in a really weird mood lately, I wouldn't say a sad mood, or a happy mood but a DEEP thought mood. I have recently been feeling very anxious to get out of school, not that this has changed since other times, but I actually really enjoy school, It was always the excitement to get out of Fargo that I counted down the days for, and now I'm counting down the days to be done with school. It's weird but I'm really anxious to GROW UP, I've always wanted to be older than I was though, and some people may think that is really weird, especially my friends, who never want to be done with their senior year of college because that brings so much more responsibilities to their plate, however I'm really excited for it. I guess I am excited because it is sort of in a way a new life, a new place in time, a new....me.
I feel like I am lost as can be in my world right now, I have so many dreams and goals for the next five years that I feel like are way to far out of my reach... I set such high standards for myself, yet everything seems to let me down in someways. For instance, my dream job...to be a Nurse, well I couldn't get into a nursing program, due to set standards, I basically was told I was too dumb to get into a nursing program. While working with nurses for the last three years I have NO idea how the majority of them are nurses, common sense is not there nor is the skill to communicate with others or basic knowledge of how to take care of someone, this upsets me because my passion to help people is immensely astronomical.
There for psychology was the next best step to helping people. By no means am I saying psychology was a dumb choice but it was "settling" for the next best option. However, this could potentially be my best choice someday in the future, there are so many options and routes I could take with a psychology degree...well after I go to grad school. For instance my new goal or dream is to open my own clinic that deals with Brain injuries, Alzheimer's as well as counseling for cancer victims. With that being said, I wish to become a Neuropsychologist... long way to go, but hey I'm hopeful and determined to make this happen.
I have some major plans or ideas in my head for when I move back home in December. I have filled out about 10 different applications to volunteer at different hospitals dealing with battered women and children, domestic abuse, assistance to families at Children's hospital, as well as basic assistance to families and patients in hospitals in general. I have this urge or desire to help people lately, to make a difference in their life even if it is a simple thing such as reading a little kid a book, or helping people with their grocery list while they have family in the hospital. I just want to Help so that is why I signed up for all these volunteer things, I think it would be so much fun and such a rewarding experience.
I think one of my residents has a major influence on my choice to do these volunteering things, my favorite resident at work has Alzheimer's she is what is considered "late stage" which is the most advanced level of Alzheimer's meaning she has no control of any type of body function, cannot walk, has to be fed, dressed, cleaned, pushed around daily in a wheel chair, and worst of all doesn't remember her family... don't put pitty on her though, I doubt she would want it if you met her. She is a spitfire, and the loveliest lady I have ever met. Although she cannot make full sentences or even have the knowledge to understand what she is saying to most people, she communicates with me. I left my job for four months, when I came back she saw me and got the biggest smile on her face and said the best thing I have ever heard "Kayla" simple one word, my name. How is it that a woman with the most advanced level of Alzheimer's remembers my name, and continue to say my name every time she sees me? This touched my heart, it will always be the GREATEST memory of my life. We talk and we laugh together and she tells me she "loves" me daily, "I just love you Kayla" but yet if anyone else is to talk to her, she doesn't respond. That lady is the reason I want to help make a difference in peoples lives, if one woman who barely remembers her daughters can remember mine, I know I have done something AMAZING for that woman and I LOVE it! With that being said, I know I have the potential to give that same experience to someone else as well, and I hope to do so.
My marathon is in 5 days, I couldn't be more nervous for something in my entire life, I don't know why but I keep having restless nights over this stupid marathon. My goal is to finish in under 4.5 hours, yet it seems odd to me that anyone would want to run for 4.5 hours. I must be crazy or senile because I think driving 3 hours to Fargo sucks, why on earth would I want to run for 4.5. Well my answer is quite simple actually, it's a mind game... and I plan on defeating the mind, I know I can do it, and I know I will finish it, but I am scared I won't finish it in under 4.5 hours and that stinks because I don't want to be last. UGH! And by no means am I going to want to go out there and sprint this thing, did that for the first 5 miles of my half last year...I learned my lesson. But I also don't want to be the loser at the end... so here I am freaking out about it...
This is all for today, hope everyone has a great day!!
"When nothing is owed or deserved or expected
And your life doesn’t change by the man that’s elected
If you’re loved by someone, you’re never rejected
Decide what to be and go be it
There was a dream and one day I could see it
Like a bird in a cage I broke in and demanded that somebody free it
And there was a kid with a head full of doubt
So I’ll scream til I die and the last of those bad thoughts are finally out
There’s a darkness upon you that’s flooded in light
And in the fine print they tell you what’s wrong and what’s right
And it flies by day and it flies by night
And I’m frightened by those that don’t see it"
This song is my favorite, well for the moment or week I guess I should say since my "favorite" song changes every moment.
Anyways on with my blabber.
This song seems to "speak" to me so to say... I have been in a really weird mood lately, I wouldn't say a sad mood, or a happy mood but a DEEP thought mood. I have recently been feeling very anxious to get out of school, not that this has changed since other times, but I actually really enjoy school, It was always the excitement to get out of Fargo that I counted down the days for, and now I'm counting down the days to be done with school. It's weird but I'm really anxious to GROW UP, I've always wanted to be older than I was though, and some people may think that is really weird, especially my friends, who never want to be done with their senior year of college because that brings so much more responsibilities to their plate, however I'm really excited for it. I guess I am excited because it is sort of in a way a new life, a new place in time, a new....me.
I feel like I am lost as can be in my world right now, I have so many dreams and goals for the next five years that I feel like are way to far out of my reach... I set such high standards for myself, yet everything seems to let me down in someways. For instance, my dream job...to be a Nurse, well I couldn't get into a nursing program, due to set standards, I basically was told I was too dumb to get into a nursing program. While working with nurses for the last three years I have NO idea how the majority of them are nurses, common sense is not there nor is the skill to communicate with others or basic knowledge of how to take care of someone, this upsets me because my passion to help people is immensely astronomical.
There for psychology was the next best step to helping people. By no means am I saying psychology was a dumb choice but it was "settling" for the next best option. However, this could potentially be my best choice someday in the future, there are so many options and routes I could take with a psychology degree...well after I go to grad school. For instance my new goal or dream is to open my own clinic that deals with Brain injuries, Alzheimer's as well as counseling for cancer victims. With that being said, I wish to become a Neuropsychologist... long way to go, but hey I'm hopeful and determined to make this happen.
I have some major plans or ideas in my head for when I move back home in December. I have filled out about 10 different applications to volunteer at different hospitals dealing with battered women and children, domestic abuse, assistance to families at Children's hospital, as well as basic assistance to families and patients in hospitals in general. I have this urge or desire to help people lately, to make a difference in their life even if it is a simple thing such as reading a little kid a book, or helping people with their grocery list while they have family in the hospital. I just want to Help so that is why I signed up for all these volunteer things, I think it would be so much fun and such a rewarding experience.
I think one of my residents has a major influence on my choice to do these volunteering things, my favorite resident at work has Alzheimer's she is what is considered "late stage" which is the most advanced level of Alzheimer's meaning she has no control of any type of body function, cannot walk, has to be fed, dressed, cleaned, pushed around daily in a wheel chair, and worst of all doesn't remember her family... don't put pitty on her though, I doubt she would want it if you met her. She is a spitfire, and the loveliest lady I have ever met. Although she cannot make full sentences or even have the knowledge to understand what she is saying to most people, she communicates with me. I left my job for four months, when I came back she saw me and got the biggest smile on her face and said the best thing I have ever heard "Kayla" simple one word, my name. How is it that a woman with the most advanced level of Alzheimer's remembers my name, and continue to say my name every time she sees me? This touched my heart, it will always be the GREATEST memory of my life. We talk and we laugh together and she tells me she "loves" me daily, "I just love you Kayla" but yet if anyone else is to talk to her, she doesn't respond. That lady is the reason I want to help make a difference in peoples lives, if one woman who barely remembers her daughters can remember mine, I know I have done something AMAZING for that woman and I LOVE it! With that being said, I know I have the potential to give that same experience to someone else as well, and I hope to do so.
My marathon is in 5 days, I couldn't be more nervous for something in my entire life, I don't know why but I keep having restless nights over this stupid marathon. My goal is to finish in under 4.5 hours, yet it seems odd to me that anyone would want to run for 4.5 hours. I must be crazy or senile because I think driving 3 hours to Fargo sucks, why on earth would I want to run for 4.5. Well my answer is quite simple actually, it's a mind game... and I plan on defeating the mind, I know I can do it, and I know I will finish it, but I am scared I won't finish it in under 4.5 hours and that stinks because I don't want to be last. UGH! And by no means am I going to want to go out there and sprint this thing, did that for the first 5 miles of my half last year...I learned my lesson. But I also don't want to be the loser at the end... so here I am freaking out about it...
This is all for today, hope everyone has a great day!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Happy Mid-Terms Week
Well, I have officially entered Mid-Term week...which means I have survived 8 weeks of the semester so far, only 8 more weeks to go, hopefully I survive that too! With that being said only 39 more class days or something like that, I don't have my count down by me ;)
It has flown by super fast though thinking about it, and I know the next 8 weeks will fly...my break down is pretty sweet sounding anyways... tomorrow is hump day so this week is practically over.
Week 7: 10.18-10.24 is my week before my marathon ( the 23rd) So that will pass by fast.
Week 6: 10.25-11.01 is a sucky week with two tests, but I plan on going home for that weekend!
Week 5: 11.08-11.14: two more tests, but with the 11th off!! Woop Woop, then work that weekend.
Week 4: 11.15-11.21: two tests, two huge writing assignments due. YUCK! Home that weekend for SURE then.
Week 3: 11.22-11.28: Test Monday, back home Tuesday after classes for THANKSGIVING WEEK! however...I have to work that Thursday night, and weekend...so back up to Fargo :(
Week 2: 11.29-12.05: Nothing too bad!!! Just a few labs.
Week 1: 12.06-12-12 Dead week, which is basically a study week so I don't count that week or days at all because there aren't classes for me! :)
Week 0: 12.13-12.17: Finals....UGHHHHHH!
But I can do it, I have to keep thinking like the "little engine that COULD": I can just hear my mom now: "I think I can I think I can I think I can"
Well now that you all have my agenda, mark it on your calenders ;)
This weekend was a absolute BLAST! I don't think I have had fun like that in YEARS and I am serious too! Lot's of laughs, and lots of fun people. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend, just wish it could be like that every day.
I took some of Alex's senior pictures.... Good thing I had Maria with me to help make him actually smile and not have one of those "okay this is really dumb" expression on his face.
We tried to get Mauer and McGuire in pictures too, Lets just say...with them both in pictures with Alex was a huge failure, McGuire does NOT cooperate (so un-coach-able) [hey Kinda like ME]. Then there is Mauer, who I have to say is probably the funniest dog around. When dad says I don't like Mauer because we are too much alike is probably right....hmm.. Anyways talk about such a photogenic dog, he was just LOVING it, I will post some pictures so you can see what I mean. But it was super fun, who know's how pleased mom was with the pictures though!
this first one is one of my favorites of Alex, then the ones with the dogs crack me up!

10.13.10 is my dear best friend Ali's 22nd birthday!!! So Happy Birthday to you Ali!! :)
Well that is all for tonight! It's starting to get chilly here again and of course the wind is blowing 100 mph. Cant wait to get out of this place. I must say though it will be weird living back at home, I mean I'll be forced to drink milk at dinner, and eat what my mom makes not have a bowl of cereal. ha ha I am not complaining though...well about the milk I am.
Have a good Wednesday everyone!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
opps 20 days too long

It has been twenty two days since I have blogged... wonder why, maybe it is because school is murdering me slowly. I don't think I could have been given a harder semester for my final one...way to plan that one out on my part.
I also have been VERY busy training for my marathon, I run two and a half hours normally everyday after class.. so basically I don't get back to my place until around 7pm, where the rest of the night consists of doing homework, reading, and/or watching my nightly shows... (dancing with the stars on monday, One tree hill on tuesdays, nothing on Wednesdays, Greys and Private practice on Thursdays).

I wrote Alex an 'Ad for Grad' last week, for those of you who don't know what it is, basically it is a little 'love' note that is placed in the yearbook and the seniors read them when they get their year books on the last week of high school. Anyways, there is a limit of words that can be placed in this ad, which is 60 words...how am I suppose to come up with something in 60 words, I probably could fill a whole notebook on memories, funny inside jokes, funny memories, and what not in a notebook, then I could probably fill another notebook with my rules and advice of college for him...ha!

On Thursday I am taking senior pictures for Alex and can hardly wait, I have some great scenic places in mind that will be very pretty so I am looking forward to that, and Maria is hopefully coming with so we will get Alex to laugh that's for sure! Also Maria and I plan on dressing up Mauer again, however this time he is going to be wearing something a lot more girly than the last time HAHA, pictures will be posted later!!
I am coming home tomorrow and I am SUPER EXCITED! I haven't been home in two weeks so it will be very nice to get home, however I really won't be home. Thursday night I will be down at St. Thomas with my girl Ali, then Friday-Sunday I will be down at Mankato for their homecoming visiting old friends so that will be very fun! :)

That's all for now... probably be back next week with some good stories!!
Have a good rest of your week and weekend!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
ThanK GoD it's FriDAY
I haven't been able to update this in a week or so, I have been SO busy its absurd!
To start out this week, I had the flu and a really bad cold...as the week went on I still had a cold and an awful cough, thankfully the flu bug went away. Needless to say I missed some classes, and then went to some that I needed to be at. By needed to be at I mean.... oh wait I have four tests in TWO days. How on earth is a normal functioning person suppose to get the proper studying in when you are trying to study for multiple loads of tests. Let's just say...I don't think it is POSSIBLE...for me at least. Anyways I tried my best, sure doubt I got the results I would have liked....but hey, I still have many more tests in those classes that I can ACE! (wishful thinking?)
Anyways, Yesterday was Alex's 18th Birthday! How crazy to think he is growing up SO fast, he also went and met with the University of St. Thomas baseball coach the other day, from what I've heard sounds like GREAT news...for me especially [Alex will go there, I just know it]! some of you might wonder if Alex has a choice to where he goes...well to make this sound as non-selfish as can be...he doesn't not in my opinion ;) that is a JOKE! But I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if him and I were at the same school, or if I don't get into St. Thomas' grad program I am applying to other places in the cities such as Bethel, and University of St. Mary's Minneapolis campus! So I can be close to him NO matter what! Wohoo! He's looking forward to this too, I can sense it!
I start my job next week! Very excited to make some money again! As well as see some of my favorite residents ever!
I just finished up my 5th week of the semester which means there are only 11 more weeks left of the semester and 50 more class days. Thank the LOrd, especially when this week was a living hell. I hate being so stressed out, I particularly hate it because I am a perfectionist, who has to have everything perfect and going my way, however that was NOT the case this week. That sucks, and stresses me out. Next week is a new week however, and new opportunities can come from that so I guess starting next week I will just study more to prepare myself for tests down the road, and do even more homework in advance well will see how well this goes. UGH I just want to be done with this semester and have good grades, I thought senior year was suppose to be like high school senior year...you know senior slide? Apparently college professors have NEVER heard of it... so my advice to some day seniors in college....when a class is a 450+ level class...that DOES NOT mean it is going to be easy!
That's all for now, hope you have a good weekend. Hopefully I find something fun to do while staying in Fargo for the weekend...
To start out this week, I had the flu and a really bad cold...as the week went on I still had a cold and an awful cough, thankfully the flu bug went away. Needless to say I missed some classes, and then went to some that I needed to be at. By needed to be at I mean.... oh wait I have four tests in TWO days. How on earth is a normal functioning person suppose to get the proper studying in when you are trying to study for multiple loads of tests. Let's just say...I don't think it is POSSIBLE...for me at least. Anyways I tried my best, sure doubt I got the results I would have liked....but hey, I still have many more tests in those classes that I can ACE! (wishful thinking?)
Anyways, Yesterday was Alex's 18th Birthday! How crazy to think he is growing up SO fast, he also went and met with the University of St. Thomas baseball coach the other day, from what I've heard sounds like GREAT news...for me especially [Alex will go there, I just know it]! some of you might wonder if Alex has a choice to where he goes...well to make this sound as non-selfish as can be...he doesn't not in my opinion ;) that is a JOKE! But I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if him and I were at the same school, or if I don't get into St. Thomas' grad program I am applying to other places in the cities such as Bethel, and University of St. Mary's Minneapolis campus! So I can be close to him NO matter what! Wohoo! He's looking forward to this too, I can sense it!
I start my job next week! Very excited to make some money again! As well as see some of my favorite residents ever!
I just finished up my 5th week of the semester which means there are only 11 more weeks left of the semester and 50 more class days. Thank the LOrd, especially when this week was a living hell. I hate being so stressed out, I particularly hate it because I am a perfectionist, who has to have everything perfect and going my way, however that was NOT the case this week. That sucks, and stresses me out. Next week is a new week however, and new opportunities can come from that so I guess starting next week I will just study more to prepare myself for tests down the road, and do even more homework in advance well will see how well this goes. UGH I just want to be done with this semester and have good grades, I thought senior year was suppose to be like high school senior year...you know senior slide? Apparently college professors have NEVER heard of it... so my advice to some day seniors in college....when a class is a 450+ level class...that DOES NOT mean it is going to be easy!
That's all for now, hope you have a good weekend. Hopefully I find something fun to do while staying in Fargo for the weekend...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Needing a Break
Current place: my bed
Current activity: studying
Current thought process: How many days till I'm done with all of this?
College tuition: 4,500 dollars a semester
College text books: 600 dollars approximately
Rewards of studying for 9 hours straight: NOTHING!
Hopefully you can guess my two examples: studying at the moment, well was. I have been studying since I got home from classes today which was 3pm it is now 11:30 pm, I did however take one break...to go to Dairy Queen with Mark, well worth it. I got the mini- brownie batter blizzard. Nice little reward for all of my studying I suppose, however now I've got gas haha! Mark even said that would happen...he knows me so well. On a happier thought only 58 more class days till all of this studying pays off! 58 is getting down there, so exciting and almost exactly three months. I was told the other day that I should never wish away my college years, my response..." I have 5 more years of college left anyways" So I suppose I still have a lot more studying to do down the road, but I mean I will be done with my undergrad and I will be out of Fargo for good! So bring on the days! Fly by fast!
To make time go by faster here I got a job! I am not sure exactly why I got a job, I surely don't have time to have a job, but I am missing the incoming money that I have had every two weeks for the last 3 years...so that was a big factor, and watching your savings go to a car payment sucks especially when nothing is coming in. Dumb! so I got a job, at the same place I worked at last year during school, but now I am working nights, just every other weekend so it shouldn't be too bad!
I got four phone calls between Monday and Today from different colleges dealing with potential graduate programs I hope to get into, I must say what a sweet feeling that is to know that you are going to be done with college, and dedicated enough to go on with even more school, I mean its not like 12 years of elementary, middle and high school wasn't enough...as well as 4 years of college....why not add on at least 5more years heck! ehh hopefully it will all pay off in the end, if not, well I will find someone to pay off my school loans I suppose ;)
Nothing too eventful has happened up here in Fargo, go figure. I officially put on the Uggs last Friday and have worn them every day since...its freezing up here, and I'm debating pulling out the winter jacket hat and mitts soon ;) ha I do have my fall decorations up now too, so festive. Wish I had more, however I'm lacking in the funds to support my lavish decorating expenses... guess that will have to wait until I get a big girl job in January and some day my own place again.
The other day a good guy friend of mine asked my why I wasn't going to school to be a writer, he goes " you tell the funniest stories without being on paper and thought, think if you were to sit down and really think of a great story and had a piece of paper" geee...maybe I'll write a book some day too, actually I plan on it...trust me it will be good, I have a vision of one, one that makes you laugh, makes you tear up, one that makes you ball, much like from the movie 'Something's Gotta Give' I envision my readers having a response to my book much like this clip:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EasFCjUqWdU hahahaha oh p.s that will be me writing it too!! can't you just picture it! ;) but mostly my book will touch every readers heart!
If you're looking for a great new CD to purchase I highly suggest you to go out and buy the new Sara Bareilles' Kaleidoscope Heart! Hands down best CD of hers to date! You will love it! I will leave you with a couple of my favorite songs through YouTube links! Enjoy!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg_yHmvAbUg&feature=related (this one is my favorite)
Well that's all for tonight, off to study some more...ugh!
Current activity: studying
Current thought process: How many days till I'm done with all of this?
College tuition: 4,500 dollars a semester
College text books: 600 dollars approximately
Rewards of studying for 9 hours straight: NOTHING!
Hopefully you can guess my two examples: studying at the moment, well was. I have been studying since I got home from classes today which was 3pm it is now 11:30 pm, I did however take one break...to go to Dairy Queen with Mark, well worth it. I got the mini- brownie batter blizzard. Nice little reward for all of my studying I suppose, however now I've got gas haha! Mark even said that would happen...he knows me so well. On a happier thought only 58 more class days till all of this studying pays off! 58 is getting down there, so exciting and almost exactly three months. I was told the other day that I should never wish away my college years, my response..." I have 5 more years of college left anyways" So I suppose I still have a lot more studying to do down the road, but I mean I will be done with my undergrad and I will be out of Fargo for good! So bring on the days! Fly by fast!
To make time go by faster here I got a job! I am not sure exactly why I got a job, I surely don't have time to have a job, but I am missing the incoming money that I have had every two weeks for the last 3 years...so that was a big factor, and watching your savings go to a car payment sucks especially when nothing is coming in. Dumb! so I got a job, at the same place I worked at last year during school, but now I am working nights, just every other weekend so it shouldn't be too bad!
I got four phone calls between Monday and Today from different colleges dealing with potential graduate programs I hope to get into, I must say what a sweet feeling that is to know that you are going to be done with college, and dedicated enough to go on with even more school, I mean its not like 12 years of elementary, middle and high school wasn't enough...as well as 4 years of college....why not add on at least 5more years heck! ehh hopefully it will all pay off in the end, if not, well I will find someone to pay off my school loans I suppose ;)
Nothing too eventful has happened up here in Fargo, go figure. I officially put on the Uggs last Friday and have worn them every day since...its freezing up here, and I'm debating pulling out the winter jacket hat and mitts soon ;) ha I do have my fall decorations up now too, so festive. Wish I had more, however I'm lacking in the funds to support my lavish decorating expenses... guess that will have to wait until I get a big girl job in January and some day my own place again.
The other day a good guy friend of mine asked my why I wasn't going to school to be a writer, he goes " you tell the funniest stories without being on paper and thought, think if you were to sit down and really think of a great story and had a piece of paper" geee...maybe I'll write a book some day too, actually I plan on it...trust me it will be good, I have a vision of one, one that makes you laugh, makes you tear up, one that makes you ball, much like from the movie 'Something's Gotta Give' I envision my readers having a response to my book much like this clip:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EasFCjUqWdU hahahaha oh p.s that will be me writing it too!! can't you just picture it! ;) but mostly my book will touch every readers heart!
If you're looking for a great new CD to purchase I highly suggest you to go out and buy the new Sara Bareilles' Kaleidoscope Heart! Hands down best CD of hers to date! You will love it! I will leave you with a couple of my favorite songs through YouTube links! Enjoy!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg_yHmvAbUg&feature=related (this one is my favorite)
Well that's all for tonight, off to study some more...ugh!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Car Crash
Today was an awful day!
I knew it would be a bad day from the moment I got up, one the wind woke me up because I could hear the strong hurricane winds no joke, whoever said Chicago is the windy city was wrong, please come to Fargo! Then my coffee maker never went off so I didn't get my morning coffee fix, anyways go to turn on the TV...Obama was on every channel I have [yes I'm too cheap, aka broke college student= didn't buy cable] So I turn the TV off and listened to the radio, no good songs on. Anyways make it to my first class barely staying awake, that's when I decided to leave and go to Caribou...dun dun duhhh.... on my way back to campus I spill my coffee cup, I then proceeded to look down and try to clean it up...that is when I looked up and saw a nice black Mercedes braking fast! NO time to react, slammed on my breaks, unfortunately I don't have anti-lock breaks so I just slid on the wet road then BOOM!!!!! right into the back of the car... pull over and I saw the CUTEST little old lady ever, so then I start crying I'm no longer shaking I am crying and have severe hand trembles, I love little old ladies, and then she starts to cry because " I feel so bad for you, are you okay?" haha she was too kind, anyways exchange insurance and yada yada then she grabbed my hand and goes "you are such a sweetheart of a little girl" I just kept apologizing to her because HELLO I smashed her new car. :( anyways that was my day, so now my cars front is smashed up, DUMB. Can't wait to tell mom and dad when I pick them up at the airport tomorrow night!! That shall be fun.....
Well off to bed, Lupus run tomorrow!! :)
Hope everyone else had a better day!
I knew it would be a bad day from the moment I got up, one the wind woke me up because I could hear the strong hurricane winds no joke, whoever said Chicago is the windy city was wrong, please come to Fargo! Then my coffee maker never went off so I didn't get my morning coffee fix, anyways go to turn on the TV...Obama was on every channel I have [yes I'm too cheap, aka broke college student= didn't buy cable] So I turn the TV off and listened to the radio, no good songs on. Anyways make it to my first class barely staying awake, that's when I decided to leave and go to Caribou...dun dun duhhh.... on my way back to campus I spill my coffee cup, I then proceeded to look down and try to clean it up...that is when I looked up and saw a nice black Mercedes braking fast! NO time to react, slammed on my breaks, unfortunately I don't have anti-lock breaks so I just slid on the wet road then BOOM!!!!! right into the back of the car... pull over and I saw the CUTEST little old lady ever, so then I start crying I'm no longer shaking I am crying and have severe hand trembles, I love little old ladies, and then she starts to cry because " I feel so bad for you, are you okay?" haha she was too kind, anyways exchange insurance and yada yada then she grabbed my hand and goes "you are such a sweetheart of a little girl" I just kept apologizing to her because HELLO I smashed her new car. :( anyways that was my day, so now my cars front is smashed up, DUMB. Can't wait to tell mom and dad when I pick them up at the airport tomorrow night!! That shall be fun.....
Well off to bed, Lupus run tomorrow!! :)
Hope everyone else had a better day!
It's been awhile...
It's been awhile since I have blogged, it's funny how time flies by. I thought I would have kept this up all summer long with fun photos and what not's however that wasn't the case. It is now September, my third week of my final semester of college is done, and only 62 more class days left for me, but whose counting? ;) Thankfully I have amazing classes this semester that I love, they are all time consuming which is okay since it keeps me busy and makes time fly faster while here in Fargo. I feel that I am finally at a place in my life where I know exactly what I want to do with my major and what type of career I would love to take on! I feel that I have learned so much from my Alzheimer's residents that I plan on going to Grad school to become a Neuropsychologist and one day open my own Psychiatric clinic based on brain injuries, brain cancer and Alzheimer's, I truly feel like this is my calling. I cannot be anymore excited to someday pursue this dream of mine!
Enough about school, I signed up for the Mankato Marathon, which is on October 23rd, I couldn't be more excited about this. This will be my first full marathon, I am nervous but the training has been fun! Yesterday I ran 14.9 miles, it felt good to be on a long run. I then realized that running a marathon is basically running from my front door in the cities all the way to Ali's house in St. Paul, that however does NOT make running a marathon sound fun! Ish! I guess a couple weeks before I run the real marathon I should run to St. Paul ha! You'll probably find me on the side of the road off 94 or 35 W before I even am close to Ali's! oofta!
Alex started his senior year of high school this week, makes me sad to think he's already that old! I remember when I was a senior in high school and I felt so old now that I'm 21 I feel like I'm so young, its funny how you perception of things change! I hope he has a great senior year with no bull Shiaat! I also hope he decided on a college where there is a Clinical Psychology program so I can follow him off to college ;) some of you may think I'm kidding, however that is not the case I'm dead serious. Alex is my best friend and I constantly text him while I'm in Fargo, he gets annoyed but I just like to know what's going on all the time! So I figured the only way I wouldn't distract him from his college studies is to follow him! (he's okay with this too...I think?) By the way did I mention he's picking St. Thomas? HAHA Well I hope anyways because that is where I hope and plan to attend grad school and whats better than a busy cluttered St. Paul? Anyways good luck with school Alex I know you'll do great! :) xoxo
The other weekend Maria (Alex's adorable Girlfriend) and I made Mauer an awesome necklace for him to wear, some of you are probably thinking why on earth, but random ideas always come to my mind. Needless to say this necklace is pretty funny, it is blue and teal beads and he has had it on for a week now! After we put the necklace on him we decided to dress him up too WHO KNOWS WHY! He loved it though, I mean after all he was getting attention. Did I mention mom and dad have been gone for two weeks in Alaska so Mauer is pouting all the time because Dad is around and when Alex and I play with him we think 15 minutes is enough, but yet that's not good enough for Mauer? So anyways the funny personality dog that he is stares off into la la land and pouts it's quite comical actually. We called dad and put him on speaker phone to talk to his poor depressed dog, and let me tell you Mauer went nuts he was running all around looking for Dad, and barking quite funny actually! Then there is McGuire, who just lays around all day and night, never sure if he's breathing or not he's getting so old he hops up the stairs and has to pause to take a breather poor smelly thing!
Here is his necklace you can kinda see it, the picture turned out funny!
Last weekend Alex and I took Maria and Mark to the State Fair, depending on who you talked to you would either here we had fun, Kayla was crabby, Mark complained a lot, Maria couldn't eat much, or it was a blast... umm no matter what could be said about the fair lets just leave it at a simple, it was an experience. I don't know if I will ever take Mark back there with me. I love the state fair I think it is so much fun to walk around for hours and people watch, listen to concerts and just enjoy the 'normal-ness' of your family haha anyways, this was Mark's first experience at the State fair, lets just say he was disgusted!! The next day Mark and I did have fun at the Twins game though! We managed not to melt in the rain and saw another win from the Twins all in all it was a good weekend!
This weekend I am really looking forward to the Lupus Run! Stay tuned for details on how the weekend and the run went!
Enough about school, I signed up for the Mankato Marathon, which is on October 23rd, I couldn't be more excited about this. This will be my first full marathon, I am nervous but the training has been fun! Yesterday I ran 14.9 miles, it felt good to be on a long run. I then realized that running a marathon is basically running from my front door in the cities all the way to Ali's house in St. Paul, that however does NOT make running a marathon sound fun! Ish! I guess a couple weeks before I run the real marathon I should run to St. Paul ha! You'll probably find me on the side of the road off 94 or 35 W before I even am close to Ali's! oofta!
Alex started his senior year of high school this week, makes me sad to think he's already that old! I remember when I was a senior in high school and I felt so old now that I'm 21 I feel like I'm so young, its funny how you perception of things change! I hope he has a great senior year with no bull Shiaat! I also hope he decided on a college where there is a Clinical Psychology program so I can follow him off to college ;) some of you may think I'm kidding, however that is not the case I'm dead serious. Alex is my best friend and I constantly text him while I'm in Fargo, he gets annoyed but I just like to know what's going on all the time! So I figured the only way I wouldn't distract him from his college studies is to follow him! (he's okay with this too...I think?) By the way did I mention he's picking St. Thomas? HAHA Well I hope anyways because that is where I hope and plan to attend grad school and whats better than a busy cluttered St. Paul? Anyways good luck with school Alex I know you'll do great! :) xoxo
The other weekend Maria (Alex's adorable Girlfriend) and I made Mauer an awesome necklace for him to wear, some of you are probably thinking why on earth, but random ideas always come to my mind. Needless to say this necklace is pretty funny, it is blue and teal beads and he has had it on for a week now! After we put the necklace on him we decided to dress him up too WHO KNOWS WHY! He loved it though, I mean after all he was getting attention. Did I mention mom and dad have been gone for two weeks in Alaska so Mauer is pouting all the time because Dad is around and when Alex and I play with him we think 15 minutes is enough, but yet that's not good enough for Mauer? So anyways the funny personality dog that he is stares off into la la land and pouts it's quite comical actually. We called dad and put him on speaker phone to talk to his poor depressed dog, and let me tell you Mauer went nuts he was running all around looking for Dad, and barking quite funny actually! Then there is McGuire, who just lays around all day and night, never sure if he's breathing or not he's getting so old he hops up the stairs and has to pause to take a breather poor smelly thing!
Last weekend Alex and I took Maria and Mark to the State Fair, depending on who you talked to you would either here we had fun, Kayla was crabby, Mark complained a lot, Maria couldn't eat much, or it was a blast... umm no matter what could be said about the fair lets just leave it at a simple, it was an experience. I don't know if I will ever take Mark back there with me. I love the state fair I think it is so much fun to walk around for hours and people watch, listen to concerts and just enjoy the 'normal-ness' of your family haha anyways, this was Mark's first experience at the State fair, lets just say he was disgusted!! The next day Mark and I did have fun at the Twins game though! We managed not to melt in the rain and saw another win from the Twins all in all it was a good weekend!
This weekend I am really looking forward to the Lupus Run! Stay tuned for details on how the weekend and the run went!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
A good SuMmEr ReAd!
Need a good Summer read?!!
Here are my latest recommendations!!
The Kite Runner & A Thousand Splendid Suns- both by Khaled Hosseini
A Long Way Gone- Ishmael Beah
The Au Pairs & Skinny-Dipping- both by Melissa De La Cruz (A fun read)
Secret Society Girl Series-Diana Peterfreund (Another fun read)
Summer at Tiffany- Marjorie Hart
Dream When You're Feeling Blue- Elizabeth Berg
Any of Madeline Wickham or Sophie Kinsella books
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas & Sam's Letter's to Jennifer- both by James Patterson
All books by Emily Giffin
The Time Traveler's Wife- Audrey Niffenegger
Love Walked In & Belong to Me- both by Marisa de los Santos
Sarah's Key- Tatiana De Rosnay
All books by Nicholas Sparks
Aging Well- George E. Vaillant
Trophies- Heather Thomas (juicy drama!)
All books by Chelsea Handler GREAT LAUGHS! :)
Henry's Sisters- Cathy Lamb (great book, you will think your family is normal after that book, but you will cry!)
Still Alice- Lisa Genova GET YOUR KLEENX's READY!
American Legacy The story of John and Caroline Kennedy- C. David Heyman
That's it for Now! :)
Here are my latest recommendations!!
The Kite Runner & A Thousand Splendid Suns- both by Khaled Hosseini
A Long Way Gone- Ishmael Beah
The Au Pairs & Skinny-Dipping- both by Melissa De La Cruz (A fun read)
Secret Society Girl Series-Diana Peterfreund (Another fun read)
Summer at Tiffany- Marjorie Hart
Dream When You're Feeling Blue- Elizabeth Berg
Any of Madeline Wickham or Sophie Kinsella books
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas & Sam's Letter's to Jennifer- both by James Patterson
All books by Emily Giffin
The Time Traveler's Wife- Audrey Niffenegger
Love Walked In & Belong to Me- both by Marisa de los Santos
Sarah's Key- Tatiana De Rosnay
All books by Nicholas Sparks
Aging Well- George E. Vaillant
Trophies- Heather Thomas (juicy drama!)
All books by Chelsea Handler GREAT LAUGHS! :)
Henry's Sisters- Cathy Lamb (great book, you will think your family is normal after that book, but you will cry!)
Still Alice- Lisa Genova GET YOUR KLEENX's READY!
American Legacy The story of John and Caroline Kennedy- C. David Heyman
That's it for Now! :)
One major accomplishment by 75
In my psychology class Wellness and Aging, we were given an assignment which had to be three pages long.
Three pages is nothing for me, however the project was a difficult one, it went a little like this:
Topic: What will I be like at 75?
When I look at residents at the nursing homes I have worked at I have often found so much beauty in the elderly life. One, so many of them have had great accomplishments, they have failed miserably but found ways to succeed. They have learned to gain knowledge in their mistakes, and accept the failures and move on. They have raised families, cherished a marriage, and loved deeply. I believe I have learned more in my two years as a nursing assistant than I have in school, yes I have learned organic equations that I will NEVER use again in my life thanks to Chemistry, or learned that Probability and Statistics is meant to make you feel dumb. However, the advice given from the elderly is so much more important in my mind. I was assigned a book called "Aging Well" by George E. Vaillant, M.D. it is supposed to be our text book, however it is more of a research novel of a study based apon college students that goes on throughout their whole lives, the book is a MUST read. The advice, stories, failures and success from the participants is moving and inspirational. Anyways back to my assignment prior to the paper we had to do a research paper on one person that has inspired us and who we look up to as a person who has done something to help better society at an adult age. As I thought about this it was hard for me to find someone who has done so much as to what I would hope I could do someday. The perfect person then came to my mind, Princess Diana! She was such an elegant and mature lady, she was by far perfect in many critics opinions but she tried her best. She was such a devotee to hospital charity, especially with cancer and children. She is my new inspiration and lady I look up to. It has been my dream since middle school to work with kids that have cancer, and if for some reason when I am all done with school I don't get a job that is directly involved with children who do have cancer I do hope to be very involved in charity and research projects to help find cures for childhood cancer. Not only did she devote many hours to children who have cancer but other aspects of hospital care. I have found that working in a nursing home nothing is as perfect as people from the outside hope to think. I will NEVER EVER put my family in a nursing home, the residents are such neglected individuals that it breaks my heart, and I feel bad that so many people work their asses off their whole life to what? Eventually be placed in a nursing home where they are treated like just another resident. So as I continue to write my paper I put my own twist into the assignment as far as my MAJOR two goals or accomplishments in my life would to be improve nursing homes as well as help find cures for childhood cancer. If there was all the money in the world I would open my own nursing home that would be a paradise for the elderly, I would have so many staff that the ratio would be insane, there would be so much more time and bonding between the residents and the workers, as well as so many different activities for the elderly to do for instance, bingo is not going to cut it. I would love to have a pool and spa available at all times of the day for the residents, a bowling alley, sewing rooms, a mini mock casino, smaller kitchens full of baking necessities as well as music rooms with pianos, guitars, drums, anything. I would love to, dream and fascinate over this dream nursing home I wish I could open. There would be so many different things to do residents would never "feel like they are in prison" as many of my residents say. As for staffing there would be a 3:1 ratio of residents to aides. I would also pay my aides more than they make now, because I wouldn't want people complaining how they work so hard and get paid so little, the bad attitudes rub off and residents can see it. It is not fair to them.
That is my thought of my assignment, as well as other accomplishments or where I see my self at 75 is all up in air, but I do hope to make a difference in peoples lives and help fight for residents rights in nursing homes, and fight cancer.
So my thought for you is, where do you see yourself at 75? Any thing you hope to do, wish to do or dreams to accomplish before then?
Three pages is nothing for me, however the project was a difficult one, it went a little like this:
Topic: What will I be like at 75?
When I look at residents at the nursing homes I have worked at I have often found so much beauty in the elderly life. One, so many of them have had great accomplishments, they have failed miserably but found ways to succeed. They have learned to gain knowledge in their mistakes, and accept the failures and move on. They have raised families, cherished a marriage, and loved deeply. I believe I have learned more in my two years as a nursing assistant than I have in school, yes I have learned organic equations that I will NEVER use again in my life thanks to Chemistry, or learned that Probability and Statistics is meant to make you feel dumb. However, the advice given from the elderly is so much more important in my mind. I was assigned a book called "Aging Well" by George E. Vaillant, M.D. it is supposed to be our text book, however it is more of a research novel of a study based apon college students that goes on throughout their whole lives, the book is a MUST read. The advice, stories, failures and success from the participants is moving and inspirational. Anyways back to my assignment prior to the paper we had to do a research paper on one person that has inspired us and who we look up to as a person who has done something to help better society at an adult age. As I thought about this it was hard for me to find someone who has done so much as to what I would hope I could do someday. The perfect person then came to my mind, Princess Diana! She was such an elegant and mature lady, she was by far perfect in many critics opinions but she tried her best. She was such a devotee to hospital charity, especially with cancer and children. She is my new inspiration and lady I look up to. It has been my dream since middle school to work with kids that have cancer, and if for some reason when I am all done with school I don't get a job that is directly involved with children who do have cancer I do hope to be very involved in charity and research projects to help find cures for childhood cancer. Not only did she devote many hours to children who have cancer but other aspects of hospital care. I have found that working in a nursing home nothing is as perfect as people from the outside hope to think. I will NEVER EVER put my family in a nursing home, the residents are such neglected individuals that it breaks my heart, and I feel bad that so many people work their asses off their whole life to what? Eventually be placed in a nursing home where they are treated like just another resident. So as I continue to write my paper I put my own twist into the assignment as far as my MAJOR two goals or accomplishments in my life would to be improve nursing homes as well as help find cures for childhood cancer. If there was all the money in the world I would open my own nursing home that would be a paradise for the elderly, I would have so many staff that the ratio would be insane, there would be so much more time and bonding between the residents and the workers, as well as so many different activities for the elderly to do for instance, bingo is not going to cut it. I would love to have a pool and spa available at all times of the day for the residents, a bowling alley, sewing rooms, a mini mock casino, smaller kitchens full of baking necessities as well as music rooms with pianos, guitars, drums, anything. I would love to, dream and fascinate over this dream nursing home I wish I could open. There would be so many different things to do residents would never "feel like they are in prison" as many of my residents say. As for staffing there would be a 3:1 ratio of residents to aides. I would also pay my aides more than they make now, because I wouldn't want people complaining how they work so hard and get paid so little, the bad attitudes rub off and residents can see it. It is not fair to them.
That is my thought of my assignment, as well as other accomplishments or where I see my self at 75 is all up in air, but I do hope to make a difference in peoples lives and help fight for residents rights in nursing homes, and fight cancer.
So my thought for you is, where do you see yourself at 75? Any thing you hope to do, wish to do or dreams to accomplish before then?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
RoUgH LiFe!
I have officially moved up to the lake, and to say the least... I am living the dream.
Today was beautiful, not a ripple in the water and the sun shined all day long! I sat outside on the dock in a tank top and shorts while reading a book from the moment I woke up. I didn't relax all day however I did manage to clean the cabin while waiting for the dish, and internet guys to come! So now I have tv shows to watch and the internet. I start work tonight which I tried to lay down and take a nap before work but I cant seem to fall asleep so here I am blogging. I can only imagine that tomorrow I will be tired! There are a ton of fish under the dock, Mark told me to catch them...but I don't know how to fish, nor would I touch the fish if I did catch it. So for the summer the only thing I will be catching are the suns rays! :) Classes start tomorrow, three classes which will keep my busy! Oh well two of them are for only four weeks long and the third one is 6 weeks long! I can handle this! I hope the warm weather is treating everyone well and you find some time to relax and enjoy it as well. Im off for a boat ride now! I'll post pictures later! :)
Today was beautiful, not a ripple in the water and the sun shined all day long! I sat outside on the dock in a tank top and shorts while reading a book from the moment I woke up. I didn't relax all day however I did manage to clean the cabin while waiting for the dish, and internet guys to come! So now I have tv shows to watch and the internet. I start work tonight which I tried to lay down and take a nap before work but I cant seem to fall asleep so here I am blogging. I can only imagine that tomorrow I will be tired! There are a ton of fish under the dock, Mark told me to catch them...but I don't know how to fish, nor would I touch the fish if I did catch it. So for the summer the only thing I will be catching are the suns rays! :) Classes start tomorrow, three classes which will keep my busy! Oh well two of them are for only four weeks long and the third one is 6 weeks long! I can handle this! I hope the warm weather is treating everyone well and you find some time to relax and enjoy it as well. Im off for a boat ride now! I'll post pictures later! :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
the weekend
So this weekend I got stuck working a double which sucks because 16 hours on your feet and constantly dealing with crabby people can wear you down pretty fast. However throughout those 16 hours I had some great laughs from my residents! They are the most enjoyable people to be with and I can honestly say I LOVE my job. Working with Alzheimer's residents can be very hard but it is such a rewarding job. When ever I'm having a bad day I know at least one resident can make my day. I have a few favorites and can't stand others, but yet I find ways to love them as well. I look at my residents as my family up here in Fargo, I have no one to go to for laughs or to talk to while up here at school so these special people treat me like family which is nice to feel like you have someone close. For instance I have one resident who is such a spitfire, literally the FUNNIEST lady you will ever meet the things she says just get you laughing instantly. A situation this weekend that sticks out in my mind was that she had to go to the bathroom so I was helping her get on the toilet, well needless to say she didn't make it, poop came flying out and went EVERYWHERE, she then began to cry and said " do NOT tell my boyfriend" while pointing her finger at me, keep in mind she is a an old lady who insists every young man is her boyfriend even though she has the CUTEST husband ever. Well anyways her "boyfriend" came in to help me clean up the mess (who is another aid) and she goes "fuck you I told you not to tell my boyfriend" hahaha she is SO stinkin cute! Later on that night I was playing with her hair and she told me "quit touching my hair I pay a million dollars for this" so I had to fix it and she then continued to say "now it better look like a billion dollars".
Another resident that is the funniest lady taught me how to speak Norwegian. Such words as: "Tusen takk" which means thank you very much, "Vær så god" which means you're welcome, "Vær så snill" which means please, and last but least "Hvordan å si ha en god dag" which means have a good day. As I had to ask her repetitively how to say these she would take a HUGE deep breath and say it again like she was getting frustrated then I would repeat her and she would giggle like a little girl and tell me that was awful!
People like these two make my job feel so rewarding because they are so much fun to hang out with and talk to, especially for Alzheimer's you NEVER know what they are going to say or what type of story they are going to tell you, but you can always expect it to be funny, blunt and honest.
One lady told me my hair looked like shit and I laughed and she then told me that was not a compliment so I should stop laughing!!
Not everyone is fun though, I do get the ever day pinching, punching, spitting on, and kicked at resident who screams constantly and calls us "crazy bitches" those are the ones that I think whyyy am I doing this but after we are all done getting her dressed and being punched and what not she always asks for a hug and says thank you for being so nice to her.
Another resident that is the funniest lady taught me how to speak Norwegian. Such words as: "Tusen takk" which means thank you very much, "Vær så god" which means you're welcome, "Vær så snill" which means please, and last but least "Hvordan å si ha en god dag" which means have a good day. As I had to ask her repetitively how to say these she would take a HUGE deep breath and say it again like she was getting frustrated then I would repeat her and she would giggle like a little girl and tell me that was awful!
People like these two make my job feel so rewarding because they are so much fun to hang out with and talk to, especially for Alzheimer's you NEVER know what they are going to say or what type of story they are going to tell you, but you can always expect it to be funny, blunt and honest.
One lady told me my hair looked like shit and I laughed and she then told me that was not a compliment so I should stop laughing!!
Not everyone is fun though, I do get the ever day pinching, punching, spitting on, and kicked at resident who screams constantly and calls us "crazy bitches" those are the ones that I think whyyy am I doing this but after we are all done getting her dressed and being punched and what not she always asks for a hug and says thank you for being so nice to her.
Friday, April 16, 2010
you know you go to NDSU when...
Just for laughs,
I saw a girl riding her horse to class yesterday...on the SIDEWALK! WHY?? haha
I saw a girl riding her horse to class yesterday...on the SIDEWALK! WHY?? haha
My Latest Challenege
"I like running because it's a challenge. If you run hard, there's the pain - and you've got to work your way through the pain. You know, lately it seems all you hear is? Don't overdo it' and? Don't push yourself.' Well, I think that's a lot of bull. If you push the human body, it will respond."
- Bob Clarke, Philadelphia Flyers general manager, NHL Hall of Fame.
This quote is a perfect fit for me. As many of you know I am training for a marathon, a half one that is... 13.1 miles to some that may seem like forever, others no big deal. I have always wanted to run a marathon but so many marathon runners have told me to run half's before a full so I know what to expect during a full marathon. I have been "training" for a month now running anywhere from 6 miles to 16 miles, before that my daily runs were around 10. Now that I have gone beyond the 10 mile marker I only hope that the 13.1 miles comes as a natural feeling for me. We will see since my half marathon is next Saturday in Nisswa it is The Run for The Lakes marathon, which I am doing with Marks sister. I am excited to see how this goes, but I am so competitive that I KNOW I will be bummed when I don't come in First Place. My dad laughed when I told him this because he says "People run marathons to say they did one, not to see if they can come in first place." ha we will see about that. I imagine just insane crazy runners getting up to the starting line and just high tailing it to the end and pushing every slow person out of there way like a mad man. Well that's all for tonight, off to bed 4:30 am is coming too soon.
Good night
- Bob Clarke, Philadelphia Flyers general manager, NHL Hall of Fame.
This quote is a perfect fit for me. As many of you know I am training for a marathon, a half one that is... 13.1 miles to some that may seem like forever, others no big deal. I have always wanted to run a marathon but so many marathon runners have told me to run half's before a full so I know what to expect during a full marathon. I have been "training" for a month now running anywhere from 6 miles to 16 miles, before that my daily runs were around 10. Now that I have gone beyond the 10 mile marker I only hope that the 13.1 miles comes as a natural feeling for me. We will see since my half marathon is next Saturday in Nisswa it is The Run for The Lakes marathon, which I am doing with Marks sister. I am excited to see how this goes, but I am so competitive that I KNOW I will be bummed when I don't come in First Place. My dad laughed when I told him this because he says "People run marathons to say they did one, not to see if they can come in first place." ha we will see about that. I imagine just insane crazy runners getting up to the starting line and just high tailing it to the end and pushing every slow person out of there way like a mad man. Well that's all for tonight, off to bed 4:30 am is coming too soon.
Good night
Oh nothing's sweeter than summer time
I decided to create a blog for who knows why, I guess the longer you sit in Fargo the more bored you get and the more creative your mind becomes... at least for me that is. The baseball boys are gone in Louisiana which means I'm stuck here even MORE bored than usual. I could go home however I have to work tomorrow and Sunday. Anyways, we all know my mind wanders endlessly and I always have random thoughts or outrageous tid-bits of information so I figured this is where it would go for my family and friends that are not here with me, especially since calling my family more than ten times a day is getting a little obsessive. Ha! I hope you enjoy my random thoughts, information of my life, as well as movies, books, and music to listen to that are my momentarily favorites.
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